Monthly Scripture & Theme:
Revelation 3:8
"Our Works"
In Person Bible Study & Select Meetings for Month December (see events page)​
Contact us for Food Pantry Days and Hours
Pastor Office Hours Will Be By Appointment Only
Welcome to the Light of the World Christian Church of Fort Wayne, Indiana church website. We are an independent, non-denominational Church, with the aim and objective to reach all people. Also to help each member in their spiritual growth, encouraging each of us to live lives that will mark us as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
Our mission is to maintain public assemblies that provide Christian instruction to both members and non-members through preaching and teaching strictly based on the Word of God
(St. Matthew 28:18-20).
We strive to openly receive into fellowship converts through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sunday morning Prayer Service is at 9:15 AM
Sunday School is at 10:00 AM
Sunday morning Worship Service is at 11:00 AM
Thursday Bible Study is 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.